
Listiorini Ajeng Purvashti completed the 5.000 Rp for log in to website 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
Listiorini Ajeng Purvashti earned 5.000 rp for a new total of 70,100 rp
Listiorini Ajeng Purvashti triggered Daily visit the website (x9)
Listiorini Ajeng Purvashti triggered Daily visit any post (x20)
Galih K triggered Log in to website (x25)
Galih K completed the 5.000 Rp for log in to website 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
Galih K earned 5.000 rp for a new total of 125,100 rp
Galih K triggered Daily visit the website (x59)
Galih K triggered Daily visit any post (x30)
Galih K completed the 50 Rp for daily visit any post 10 times (limited to 1 per day)

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If there is nothing in a chest, the chest doesn’t mean anything